Conference Proceedings & Abstracts:
"Real-time contrast-enhanced holographic imaging using phase coherent photorefractive quantum wells" A. Dongol, J. Thompson, Heidrun Schmitzer, D. Tierney and H. P. Wagner, ·
"Real-time single-shot three-dimensional and contrast-enhanced optical coherence imaging using phase coherent photorefractive quantum wells" A. Kabir, A. Dongol, X. Wang, and H. P. Wagner, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 251116 (2010).
"Electron transfer and capture dynamics in ZnSe quantum wells grown on GaAs" A. Dongol and H.P. Wagner, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1566, Issue 1, p.478-479 (2013)
"Contrast-enhanced holography using phase coherent photorefractive quantum wells" A. Dongol, A. Kabir, X. Wang, H. Schmitzer, D. Tierney and H. P. Wagner, Proc. of the Topical Meeting "Photorefractive Materials, Effects, and Devices, Control of Light and Matter" in Ensada (Mexico), October 13-15, 2011.
"Transfer and capture of electrons in ZnSe quantum wells grown of GaAs", Abstracts of the Int. Conference on Fundamental Optical Processes in SEmiconductors (FOPS), Lake Janaluska, North Carolina, 2011.
Presentation:"Contrast-enhanced holography using phase coherent photorefractive quantum wells" A. Dongol, A. Kabir, X. Wang, H. Schmitzer, D. Tierney and H. P. Wagner, Proc. of the Topical Meeting "Photorefractive Materials, Effects, and Devices, Control of Light and Matter" in Ensada (Mexico), October 13-15, 2011.
"Transfer and capture of electrons in ZnSe quantum wells grown of GaAs", Abstracts of the Int. Conference on Fundamental Optical Processes in SEmiconductors (FOPS), Lake Janaluska, North Carolina, 2011.
Oral Presentations:
- “Electron transfer and relaxation dynamics in heterovalent ZnSe/GaAs quantum well structures”, APS March Meeting 2011, Dallas, TX, USA
- “Characterization of quantum wells using non-linear optical process”, Brown Bag Lunch Seminar, Nov 19, 2010, Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati, OH, USA
- “Real-time 3D holographic imaging using phase coherent photorefractive quantum wells”, APS March Meeting 2010, Portland, OR, USA
Poster Presentations:
- “Investigation into the mechanical properties of fibrinogen using molecular simulations”, APS Regional Meeting 2008, Dayton, OH, USA
- “Investigation into the mechanical properties of fibrinogen using molecular simulations”, OESPER Symposium 2008, Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, OH, USA
- “National symposium on plasma physics and material science Jan 27 - 28, 2006”, Kathmandu University, Kathmandu, Nepal